I was at Nett's the other day and saw a poster advertising your upcoming concert in Leiper's Fork.

Annette told me, and I should have listened, that 4,000 of the 5,000 seats (in the grass) had already been sold in just a couple of days. If I wanted to go to the concert, I should have turned over my $35 that night. Fie. According to the media that has swarmed around this event, I am now too late, for each sod-seat up at Aubrey Preston's farm is claimed.
But, hey, I don't go to Nett's for ticket information. That night, I had gone for their grilled chicken-topped salad, as had my daughter and a burger for her husband. It was Tuesday and the menu was tame, but we did catch up on the news. As Mrs. Rachel Lynde would say, "There is so much going on in Avonlea." That is how it is at the crossroads of Santa Fe, just a little north of Columbia, TN. The door post of Nett's was plastered with the pictures of the community's high school seniors. Debonair boys and beautiful girls are hanging about the porch in proxy while in reality they are off to the prom and finishing their finals.
But I'm sure they will be at Nett's for Thursday's Karaoke night. Handwritten signs on the wall next to the cooler and beside the cash register assure us that even if we can't carry a tune in a bucket, we are welcome to come and just have a good time.
So Willie, while you are in the region, just 22.39 miles up the road, via Natchez Trace Parkway, at Leiper's Creek Farm, you really need to plan a stop at Nett's Country Store and Deli. And make sure you meet Annette. She won't be offputting, but may give you some tips on how to make that concert of yours just a wee bit better.
Don't miss the chicken salad.
P.S. Rooster Fries and Frogs Legs on Friday and Saturday nights.
Oh, Annette, you make our little borough so special. Tonight, you saved the day.
You see, tonight I had kitchen at the Bethel Community Club. I had been preparing all week. I made pies from scratch (all but the crust that is...) My grandmother gave me her special coconut pie mix and I got a chocolate pie recipe offline, since I know that Larry (club president) loves chocolate pie. So we have the pies, the hamburgers, hotdogs, and home-made soup, but I arrive at the club and realize that I do not have the toppings for the burgers!! I had totally forgotten the onions, lettuce, pickles and tomatoes. This just would not do! I am so afraid of messing up when I have the high responsibility of kitchen!
So, thankfully no one has arrived yet, so I run over to Nett's. "Hi Annette" I say, "I have a weird request..." and I explained what I needed. She looked puzzled just a moment and said, "Well, I am low on tomatoes myself, but I can help you with the other stuff." She quickly gathered up a head of lettuce, an onion, and a cup of pickles, all out of her restaurant supplies. She rang them up with a smile, saying "Now don't tell nobody!" knowing that if locals think they can obtain supplies of kitchen goods from her restaurant, she will be overburdened with special requests.
But thanks, Annette, for saving my day!! And everybody reading this, remember, "Don't tell nobody!"
Someone, cadh 8, needs to do a post on Bethel Community Club. Talk about special. Your little club is so "old timey" as they say; like something out of a Eudora Welty novel.
Sorry to hear that Mr. Nelson will not be graced with your presence during his short stay at Leiper's Fork.
I was at an antique mall today and saw an old Willie Nelson record. I think they were insinuating that Willie was an antique. It was overpriced, as are most things in antique malls.
Anyway, I said a while back at our chance meeting at Bryan that I was going to stop by, so here I am. I still haven't gotten the hang of this "blogging" fiasco, but I do like reading your posts.
Hope the evening is a good one.
Mr. Brightside,
Welcome to my site. Blogging can indeed be a bit confusing at first, but fun.
I enjoy having a place to "speak-out" on all subjects, from literature to favorite delis.
When searching for "Netts country store" your blog came up first. pretty cool, huh?
I simply cannot understand why Nett's doesn't have its own web site. Maybe I should offer to host one for them!!!
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