Thanks for inviting me to your favorite coffee house in Louisville.,

I did, you must know, frown upon the "cussing". That is reserved for the dinner table only. But the words, as you said, were in quotes, so I guess it's ok.
The thing I loved about the Goatwalker was the presence of folks from all walks of life. Children, homeless men and women, ministers, students, and old folks like me. The spirit of sharing and caring for one another was very beautiful. I loved the homeless man who sat in front of me ordering lemonade from time to time by raising his hands and snapping his fingers for service. Where else but that special sanctuary of hospitality would a homeless man gain the attention of a young waitress and quick service at the wave of his hand. For once in his life, Blessed are the poor seemed to mean something tangible.
I'd say Blessed is the Goatwalker. And Blessed are you too, my dear son.
For more about the Goatwalker and the Jeff Street Church visit their blog.
Thank you, Steve's Mom. We love Stevie and the Goatwalker, too.
Hey, since you're in to literature and the weird, you might want to check out this book.
It's titled, Steve P. Holcombe, the converted gambler : his life and work. This book, now available to read online at the link above, is about the riverboat gambler/drunkard/murderer who got saved and started the Union Gospel Mission, the mission from which Jeff Street sprang.
It was written by Rev. Alexander Gross in 1888(!), it is a fascinating bit of writing. I'm not sure if it fits the Southern Lit-mus test, but perhaps Southern Baptist Lit?
That's it? Just that little taste? Can you post the rest of the song? I've actually never heard Stevie sing.
We want more!
This makes me want to pick up and move to Louisville! There really aren't coffee places around here like that, are there?
Whenever I think of Stevie singing, I'll forever think of the "You're not a dawg..." song, which was ad libbed over the fire on the back porch! (ask him if he remembers) Good times, good times!
I love your family! I think I'm due for a visit soon.
1. OK! I'll do more of Stevie. Not until June, because my camera is in Europe with the elder version of Steve DeGeorge. I have gotten a new card for the camera so I will have enough space for a whole song.
2. The Holcombe book looks weird and wonderful--I must read. Southern Baptist Literature, hm.m.m, now that would be a study.
3. Visits? Summer is here. All are welcome and wanted. The hot dogs and marshmallows are ready for toasting.
YEs, getting the whole song would be wonderful! It was an awesome time, and I hope to get back to the goatwalker sometime soon too. What a neat experience.
Let's all bring our cameras to the 60th anniversary party. The word is out that Stevie should sing! Perhaps AnneGG should sing too, hint, hint!
I've posted the lyrics to Steven's "I don't know" song up at Jeff St's blog. Unfortunately, I don't think I've ever caught any of his singing on camcorder. But at least it's the lyrics...
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